Juan Salazar, a successful online entrepreneur and author, recently completed a video case study where he managed to attain a 4% conversion rate. Now for the inexperienced video marketer, that figure may not seem so high. However, for those who have taken action, creating video after video, most would salivate with the percentage of ‘video sales’ that Juan managed to facilitate. In his new course, 4% Conversion Rate Case Study, Juan does not spare any details on how he accomplished this conversion success. The purpose of my 4% Conversion Rate Case Study review is to provide an overview of Juan’s training.
4% Conversion Rate Case Study Review – A Twist on Video Marketing
Although Juan underscores the point that his strategies are incredibly quick and efficient, it should be noted that he spent about 70 minutes creating, editing, and publishing the case study video. Now, I’ve heard many gurus remark that they (or should I say their virtual assistants) can produce and upload a good-to-go video within 10 minutes. Unlike other experts, there’s no doubt in my mind that Juan takes the time to create videos with either compelling content, imaginative sequences, or entertaining aspects. In fact, you can see a sample of Juan’s videos on YouTube to see some of the devices that Juan uses when creating and producing videos.
Here is an example of one of Juan’s popular videos on how he built a list using a 4-pronged marketing strategy:
Here, he immediately builds trust with potential subscribers/customers by appearing on camera. (You do not have to appear on any video, however, as Juan would point out). His delivery is relaxed and poised as he dispenses insightful information. The pace of the video is perfect, not too fast or slow, and he seems very engaged with his audience. I’m not a video critic per se, but even my untrained eye and ear can see that this is an effective video.
Always remember, it’s difficult to accrue any sales from a video that does not tell a good story or seem to serve any purpose, other than benefiting the creator on some level. It does not have to receive an Emmy-equivalent but slapping the name of a product with a ‘buy now’ is not going to provide an impressive conversion rate.
Now let’s examine Juan’s 4% conversion case study video. At the present time, 274 people out of 1,086 video views have clicked the desired link. That’s an eye-opening over 25% ratio. Now, from those 274 folks, 12 sales were generated which comes out to an over 4% conversion rate.
Now statistics are a funny thing. You can look at it as though Juan only attained about a 1% conversion rate (12 sales/1,086 views) but he is basing his announced numbers on the visitors who clicked the link. Still, if one-fourth of all viewers click on a given link, sales will flow, and at the very least, you’ll grow your list. These are impressive numbers regardless of your statistical bent.
4% Conversion Rate Case Study – Content
This is a take-you-by-the-hand, step-by-step program where Juan Salazar shows you his complete system. You’ll see his thinking process unfold, the copywriting he employed, and the creative aspects he used to generate video sales. Every nuance is laid out so you’ll be ready to market your own successful videos in no time flat.
Here’s what inside the 4% Conversion Rate Case Study:
- 7 video modules / 7 mp3 files that really break down all the specifics
- A mind map of all the tasks and objectives that need to be completed for a healthy return on investment
- A PDF printable e-book for those who prefer reading and analyzing all the details
Click Here for the 4% Conversion Rate Case Study course
Juan Salazar’s Analytical Case Study – 1 YouTube Profits Exclusive Webinar
The 4% Conversion Rate Case Study is not the culmination of a new affiliate’s quick success and documentation of that success. Juan Salazar is a veteran video marketer (I noticed one of his Youtube channels has over 520 videos!), who has devoted countless hours accumulating video market research. Through an abundance of trial and error, he knows what works and what does not work – both for short-term and long-term profit.
While others proclaim to be video gurus, Juan’s burgeoning following can attest to his vast knowledge base and expertise. His videos consistently get Page 1 ranking in Youtube and Google.
And he is not afraid to share ‘golden nuggets,’ not just in the 4% Conversion Rate Case Study course but on webinars.
One cant-miss Juan Salazar webinar is his 1 YouTube Profits Exclusive Webinar. But truth be told, you already missed it. :O However, it is available on replay for $47.
On the webinar, Juan discussed his video marketing strategies and secrets. Of interest, he continues to derive benefit from videos that he has not touched, edited, or updated in years. Traffic and sales are evergreen and he can continue to create new videos that serve as new sources of revenue.
In 1 Youtube Profits Exclusive Webinar, Juan Salazar demonstrated how to get targeted video traffic in an ever-competitive market by using only 1 laser technique.
- He first explained how to perform research for one keyword phrase only.
- He actually showed attendees his research methods three times. (Lucky attendees selected their desired keyword phrase.)
- He then monetized a video that highlighted a given keyword phrase by utilizing that 1 Youtube Profits Technique.
- Juan acquired backlinks to that video to ensure higher ranking and traffic. Here, Juan also used an outsourcer for back linking. (He provided backlinks to an attendee’s video with his own money.) In the replay, you will see the actual outsourcer that Juan hires so you’ll be able to use that assistant’s service, too, in the future.)
Although 1 Youtube Profits Exclusive Webinar is no longer live but on replay, the $47 price tag is extremely reasonable. This was not just a webinar but a live, hands-on workshop where all relevant tactics and strategies were freely shared. The product also comes with a bonus: You’ll be privy to a secret, effective trick that will jumpstart your video rankings.
Click Here for Quick Access to the 1 Youtube Profits Webinar replay
Back to the 4% Conversion Rate Case Study – Priceless but Affordable
Again, consider 1 Youtube Profits Exclusive Webinar as a fee that promotes your affiliate video marketing education. But if the price tag is prohibitive, seriously consider purchasing Juan’s 4% Conversion Rate Case Study. It’s only $9.97. You should be able to duplicate his tactics in own of your own videos making up for this fee.
Here are the particulars of the 4% Conversion Study:
Course: 4% Conversion Rate Case Study
Instructor: Juan Salazar
Launch date: 9/8/14
Topics covered: Going over a successful video with the equivalent of a fine-tooth. Process and product, video strategies and secrets are revealed.
Newbie-Friendly: Yes
Price: $9.97
Final Word
I’m so impressed with Juan Salazar’s teaching style, methodologies, and clever strategies. His video success underscores his experience and expertise in the field. You should derive great benefit from the replay of his webinar, 1 Youtube Profits Exclusive Webinar, and his new course, the 4% Conversion Rate Case Study Review. The time allocated to reviewing and learning the material and the money spent will be well worth it.
© 2014, Annie Lax, All Rights Reserved. 4% Conversion Rate Case Study review written for: ProminentOffers.com