Product Creator: Chris Thompson
There is no better time to change your child’s inappropriate behavior than when he/she is in the throes of the ‘Terrible twos.’ Parents can shape the impressionable toddler’s conduct through the art of communication and via an assortment of behavior modification techniques. Chris Thompson has written a primer on the topic, Talking to Toddlers, and the strategies he outlines seem to be working for a great number of guardians. As there are so many frustrated parents who are not utilizing effective parenting tools, I thought it would be helpful to write this Talking to Toddlers Review.
Toddler Communication – Already on Faulty Ground
Parenting and communication expert, Chris Thompson, broaches the idea that adult expectations and assumptions about toddlers may lead to an ongoing cycle of the child’s maladaptive behavior.
Let’s quickly review some of these suspect presumptions:
The toddler understands and responds to logic – ‘Logical toddler’ should be an oxymoron. At this age, children are particularly emotional creatures, devoid of deep analytical insight. Sure, you can remind your child to eat slowly to better digest food. You can explain to your little one to go to bed because he/she needs ample sleep to stay healthy. You can encourage your child to wash with warm water after going to the bathroom to get rid of harmful germs. Your logical arguments, however, will often not hold weight with resistant children. In Talking to Toddlers, you’ll learn how to change your child’s emotional state, a key to changing your child’s behavior. Leave logic at the front doorstep when it comes to molding your toddler’s conduct.
Here is one example of changing a child’s emotional state – quickly and effectively. Your toddler’s favorite toy has just broken. Tears cascade down and a temper tantrum arises. You try to intervene (perhaps using logic): “We’ll go to the store this weekend and get a new toy.” Your child is unmoved and remains steadfast in his/her agitated state. Now, you feel yourself become frustrated, ready to lose control. Instead of responding with an ill-tempered remark or by yelling, you can alternatively come back with some ridiculous comment: “This reminds of the brown cow who was eating yelling grass and started to fly up to the blue sky. I think I see that cow outside now.” It’s possible that this will disconnect the child’s perseverance over the broken toy and redirect his/her attention to something of interest.
The word, ‘No’ is effective – In Talking to Toddlers, Chris Thompson warns parents about the overuse of the word, ‘No.’ Indeed, just because it is a toddler’s favorite word, does not mean that it should be a parent favorite, too. Simply, toddlers will eventually tune out and turn off to negative reactions. The same holds true with excessive punishment. Any adverse response will have diminishing returns.
There must be effective alternatives. And as I was reviewing Talking to Toddlers, it’s clear that Chris Thompson offers many other viable options. While he is empathetic to overwhelmed parents, he has little patience for parents who engage in lazy communication techniques, such as constantly saying ‘No.” You’ll discover strategies, such as reframing, that will ultimately serve you and your toddler’s needs better.
You can tackle behavior problems regardless of your relationship – A friend’s niece told me that she and her 3 year-old have ‘Always had an adversarial relationship. She confided that she did not ‘like motherhood’ and her ‘child was making her crazy.’ Apparently, she corrects the child’s behavior by screaming and asserting her dominance.
If Chris Thompson were present during that conversation, he would have told her that she cannot change the child’s behavior (at least for the long-term) without establishing rapport. An emotional connection leads to better communication which leads to improved conduct. While it’s debatable that a toddler just wants to please his parents (remember, it’s a ‘Me first’ stage of development), a child is much more likely to listen to someone he/she truly connects with.
I’m happy to report in this Talking to Toddler review that Chris Thompson provides those vital secrets in constructing these crucial emotional ties with your youngster. There are so many opportunities throughout the day to build this emotional bridge, so take the time to build a strong foundation of mutual love and respect. Better behavior is on the other side of that bridge.
Talking to Toddlers Review – A Look Inside the Audio Training
Christian Thompson may not be a trained psychotherapist (he is a Certified NLP Practitioner) but he really has his pulse on toddler thoughts and behavior patterns. He truly understands the following:
1) Toddlers have limited communication and conversational skills to fully express themselves, which can frequently lead to tantrums;
2) Their emotional state is the impetus behind their actions;
3) They want to feel in control, empowered, and sometimes, autonomous;
4) They are susceptible to diversion; and
5) They’re actually looking for love, attention from, and connection to the adults around them
Thompson’s theories are sprinkled throughout Talking With Toddlers. He provides many examples of his theories and how they can work to a parent’s advantage by implementing sound strategies, based on the aforementioned principles.
At heart, you really want and need to avoid power struggles with a child. It’s an endless game with ultimately no winners. There are other options, too, aside from saying, “No,’ or “Because I said so.” It’s easier to get a child to conform when he/she thinks that a given idea is self-initiated.
Based on this foundation, the Talking to Toddlers audio course is broken up into modules with accompanying homework assignments. Chris Thompson provides the communication building blocks you’ll need to modify your child’s behavior.
Of course, you’ll learn how to enhance the bond and connection with your child. This will not only have desirable behavior-changing effects but will serve to strengthen your relationship with your child for years to come.
You’ll get all the tips and tricks necessary for bad behavior eradication, too. You’ll know what to do (e.g., use double binds and reframing) and what not to do (robotically saying, ‘No’ and getting embroiled in constant conflict).
Let’s take the section on double binds. It’s a brilliant concept. It’s simply the use of two questions to get the same desired response. I actually used it with my grandson the other day. He does not really like turkey and I was serving dinner. “Would you like four pieces of turkey or three,?” I asked. Predictably, he chose 3 pieces but I got the desired result: my grandson eating turkey.
Regardless of the tips that Talking to Toddlers reveal, you always have to be calm, congruent, and consistent. Try to always remain in control without having to say it, or act in a way that usurps it.
Talking to Toddlers Review – The Pros of the Audio Course
In this review, I’m hoping that you can see course creator, Chris Thompson presents some out-of-the-box and clever strategies to change your child’s behavior.
The audio course is based on sound principles of behavior modification – not only applicable to preschoolers. Remember, it’s more effective to implement a reward system rather than a punishment system.
The training is easy-to-follow, and presented in ‘digestible units.’ Course modules are no longer than 20 minutes each. It also comes with a Toddler’s Complete Guide (PDF book.)
Many favor the audio format so that you’ll learn how to communicate with toddlers even if you’re mobile.
After listening to the audio, your parenting skills will evettually be strengthened and so will your bond with your child.
Talking to Toddlers lets you know why many of your present parenting strategies are ineffective.
After reviewing Talking to Toddlers, one size does not fit all. Chris Thompson provides several options, depending on your child’s developmental level, communication skill, personality, etc.
The course is an affordable $37, backed by an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee.
If you purchase Talking to Toddlers from our link, you will be entitled to a generous bonus package.
Talking to Toddlers Review – The Downside
This is not a course for the “My way or the highway” parent. You have to be open to the techniques and be ready to modify your own behavior and parenting style first. But ask yourself: Is your resolute, in total control parenting really working? Is it undermining your relationship with your child?
The scope of the Talking to Toddlers training does not encompass how to talk to your child about certain topics. It does not include, for instance, discussion on how to talk to toddlers about death, race, God, etc. The title may mislead some folks to the erroneous conclusion that such topics will be broached.
Talking to Toddlers Review – Overall Impression
It’s clear that Chris Thompson is on a mission. He really wants to let parents know that the Terrible Twos (and Threes and Fours) are not necessarily a rite of passage. After all, his course provides an arsenal of parenting tools and strategies to help correct any child’s inappropriate behavior.
While it’s not foolproof and has a 100% guaranteed success rate (that could be listed as another negative of the course), Talking to Toddlers provides a host of quick fixes to address a child’s poor conduct and temper tantrums.
My Talking to Toddlers review endorses this resource. You have to learn how to talk to toddlers so they won’t be inclined to talk back to you.
© 2014, Annie Lax, All Rights Reserved. Talking to Toddlers review written for:
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