Start Potty Training Review: Toilet Mastery in 3 Days, Carol Cline

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Carol Cline, where were you and your Start Potty Training guide when my husband and I had to begin this process with our kids? We simply purchased a doll and potty and acted out the nuances of this most natural undertaking. The kids were entertained but I’m not sure how much help we provided. In our imaginative play, the doll always achieved potty success. I couldn’t say the same for the kids.

Today’s parents are fortunate because Carol Cline has written a very informative guide on toilet training, Start Potty Training. She leaves nothing to the imagination or speculation. She spells out the nitty gritty, and in no time flat, the kids’ poop and pee should go exactly where it’s supposed to go. You’ll soon be sharing your bathroom with your potty-trained star graduate. Think of how much money you’ll save on diapers.

This Start Potty Training review highlights Carol Cline’s program, including all the nuts and bolts, so to speak. Once you finish reading the review, I hope that it addresses your major potty training concerns and answers your questions on this popular guide.

Saying Goodbye to Diapers

Review Carol Cline's Start Potty Training

Before you can say a sweet adieu to dirty diapers, you have to have a strategic plan for a successful diaper to potty transformation. And it has to be a little more thoughtful than my place doll on potty strategy.

This is where the Start Potty Training guide provides invaluable help. Carol Cline, like a skilled General, leads her parent troops to battle with step-by-step methods to overcome obstacles.

In fact, Carol is so convinced that her plan is infallible that she even provides a timetable for potty mastery. She believes that children can begin potty training (assuming they’re age-appropriate ready) and become adept at bathroom skills three days later. Parents who are frustrated with months/years of potty incompetence will be relieved to know the difference that 3 days can make … with the right potty training resource.

3 Days to Diaper Freedom? When Can I Begin?

Good question but first parents have to be ready to initiate the potty training process themselves. Yes, there are parents who really don’t make toilet training a priority. For instance, I remember a neighbor once asking me if she should start teaching this skill to her son. He was 6 at the time.

Instead of being judgmental, I could have been more like author Carol Cline. I’m sure she would have been more thoughtful and understanding, and probably lobbied the buzz words of physical and emotional readiness.

Indeed, there is no definitive set age when to start potty training although Carol is a proponent of early potty training, before the child’s 2nd birthday. I’ve heard parents say that they started toilet coaching earlier with their girls than boys. And while girls are typically more mature than boys (sorry, fellas), it really depends on the individual. He/she has to be ready, in all senses, for going to the bathroom.

In Start Potty Training, Carol writes about this issue (i.e., child readiness). But I realize it’s not always clear cut if your child is potty ready. However, you must look for clues. Does your child complain about dirty diapers? (I know you do.) Does your little one provide signs that he/she is ready to well, excrete? Can your child go down and up on a potty seat? Can he/she follow basic directions?

Again, you really have to discern when to launch potty training. As much as you may want to start it yesterday, only do so when your child can be successful. Of course, you need not wait 6 years like my neighbor, but then again, there may be extenuating circumstances.

Still, as Carol points out, there are advantages to starting early (i.e., within the first 24 months). First, you’re teaching your child the importance of cleanliness. You’re also lowering the risk of health concerns, such as rashes. In addition, you’re spending time with your child, communicating with him/her (be patient!), and teaching directions. Finally, you’ll be saving lots of money when you can permanently discard the diapers.

Start Potty Training Review Spotlight – More About the Book

This Start Potty Training reviewer is very impressed with the amount of information provided by Carol Cline in the span of 136 pages. She really addresses all the common questions (from when to how) associated with toilet training coaching. It includes discussion of the following:

  • When to begin training
  • How to properly prepare you and your child for this process
  • The actual 3-day step-by-step potty training plan
  • Nocturnal potty training. (Nighttime bathroom elimination presents its own set of problems but there is no pressure in Start Potty Training to train at night.)
  • Gender-specific potty training. (Guidelines revealed on how to best potty train boys and girls.)
  • Establishing healthy bowel habits
  • Potty training for special needs children. (My grandson is on the autism spectrum and this would have benefited my son and daughter-in-law years ago if they were privy to this information.)
  • Handle mobile potty concerns. (You’ll be an expert what to do at a restaurant, airport, mall, etc.).
  • How to handle multiple children’s bathroom needs and older children’s bathroom needs
  • Other topics are broached

Our concerns on Start Potty Training

While I’ve pointed out some of the guide’s favorable aspects in my Start Potty Training review, it’s only right to share my concerns, too. I was taken aback by some complaints that I read online. One dealt with a refund not being returned. But this resource is now primarily featured on Clickbank, a very respectable digital product marketplace, so I’m confident that this vendor will honor any requested refund.

Also, do you really need a primer on how to potty train your child? After all, there is ample free information out there. One can make argument that the info presented is not indispensable.

However, I really believe the resource is quite systematic and comprehensive, and parents will benefit from the material. Even one or two insightful ideas can spell the difference between potty failure and potty success.

Final Determination

I would not have spent time writing about this guide if I felt it could not suitably address an important topic: potty training. While you can glean information about this subject on the Internet, it’s often general in scope, outdated, and limited in effectiveness.

Carol’s program tackles just about every detail related to toilet training, and any parent can tailor it to best serve their child’s needs. I’m convinced that her strategies can work quickly, enabling children to properly eliminate body fluids nd waste.

However, I should also make this point clear before my review ends. I should not have been definitive nor cavalier asserting that you will soon throw away diapers. Upon reflection, nighttime accidents will inevitably occur – especially at the beginning of the process. Still, it’s exciting to know that your child will soon reach this milestone, mastering potty training.

Read and review Start Potty Training, and you’ll soon be privy to all the tips, tricks, strategies, and methods of how to best facilitate toilet coaching.

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