Coconut Head – Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

Beautiful woman holding two halfs of coconut on her head like earphones

Looking to learn more about the heralded coconut oil hair treatment?. You don’t have to go to a spa to indulge in this coconut hair-tingling sensation. Folks, you can try this at home. But before running out to the local health food store for the staple ingredient, first you must understand the benefits of coconut oil for hair, and envision its capacity to bestow beauty to its user.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the pinnacle wonder of the at-home hair beauty treatment – the tropical coconut.

A picture of a woman who is ready to begin her coconut oil hair treatment

Doesn’t the scent of coconuts remind you of all things good – the beach, sun, vacation, and perhaps a refreshing, light trade wind? Yes, I’m a coconut enthusiast, not just because of its intoxicating smell and reminders of summers past, but because of its infinite uses when it comes to ensuring beautiful hair. (Oh, did I mention that I’m also a beauty enthusiast?) Yes, you’ll often find me in a compromising position – relaxing in my house with coconut oil perched on my head. While it may not make for a ‘Kodac moment,’ I know that it’s all for the greater good. After all, coconuts and hair go together like, well, coconuts and hair, and the end result will be eye candy.

And don’t think that I’m the only one that knows the myriad hair benefits that coconuts provide. Yes, this tropical nut has been lauded by beauty magazines galore, but still too many women (and men) don’t realize the intrinsic value of the almighty coconut. In order to fill the void of this shocking ignorance about coconuts, this post will serve to ‘coco-enlighten’ you, so much so, that you may find yourself climbing the nearest palm tree.

A Look Inside a Coconut Through the Prism of Hair

A coconut does not have to fall on my head to make me realize that it’s chock full of value. Loaded with bioactive compounds, vitamins, and minerals, it is a complete food. While the meat is high in saturated fat, you’re not necessarily going to be eating it. This coconut-hair article only means to explore the coconut’s topical positive properties. Be that as it may, lauric acid is an indispensable saturated fatty acid when it comes to luxurious hair. Why? It’s able to penetrate the hair shaft, making hair look thicker. (I’ll expound more on that subtopic later.)

The coconut contains water, which in turn, contains cytokinins, proven to have anti-aging effects when used internally. But I know someone who has access to fresh coconuts and actually sprays her hair with the liquid! As such, her hair looks and smells terrific.

Now because I’m too far away from any fresh coconut source, I’m doing the next best thing: Purchasing coconut oil that has been extracted from the dry kernel (copra). This is particularly beneficial when my hair is dry as the oil is an incredible emollient agent and a hair hero in a host of other ways.

Let’s review 7 hair-helping properties of my beloved coconut, and how it can serve as an ally in your quest to achieve a majestic ‘Crowning Glory.’

1. Coconut Conditioning

It’s interesting that my girlfriends will spend top dollar on hair conditioners. Their dollars are going down the drain – a particularly needless expense as these products often contain suspect chemicals. Moreover, they can achieve even better conditioning results with a generous dab of coconut oil. Indeed, the fatty acids that comprise the coconut nourish and hydrate dry and brittle hair.

But if you want to achieve these results, please don’t use refined or solvent extracted coconut oil. The natural compounds have been removed in that bottle of refined oil, enervating the coconut’s hair-healthy benefits. Similarly, the extracted coconut oil pales in comparison to its healthier unrefined oil counterpart, and worse, contains the hexane solvent. (Hexane has been listed as one of the worse air pollutants. You don’t want to stick that kind of chemical on your vulnerable scalp.)

But assuming you purchase the right type of coconut oil, you’ll soon infuse moisture in your hair. Just be careful with the application as it can get messy. I typically apply conditioning coconut oil when I know that I don’t have to go outside and make an appearance.

2. Detangle Your Tresses

Have you ever been in a rush and part of your hair is clumping together. You take a brush and a comb, and its impossible to separate the strands. Of course, you swear you’re ripping your hair out with each attempt, and the whole exercise seems futile and painful.

Take a deep breath. In no time flat, I’ve taken a miniscule amount of coconut oil, rubbed it between my fingers, and detangled the stubborn strands manually.

Other times, I’ve mixed the coconut oil in hot water, placed the comb or brush bristles in the mixture, and gently sorted out the mess.

Detangling with coconut oil is always easiest at night when the end result is not as important – unless you care what your significant other thinks about your appearance.

3. Dandruff Relief

Please, don’t even think about applying that shampoo with its harsh ingredients, even if the product promises to get rid of dandruff. Alternatively, use that unrefined, virgin coconut oil, and see the white flakes jump off your scalp, running for cover.

After all, a coconut oil hair treatment has all the requisite anti-dandruff prowess with its antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Lauric acid and capric acic help to ‘kill’ the small pieces of dead skin, and help to produce an inhospitable scalp climate for dandruff to resurface.

This is not an overnight cure. But over the course of a week or two, you’ll notice a healthier scalp condition, no longer coated by the white stuff.

4. Go Out With Style

Coconut oil can also serve as a styling agent. There is a thickness and viscosity to it that can help mold your hair the way you want it to look.

Used sparingly (and it takes practice to know how to use it sparingly), coconut oil can protect your hair against the thermal onslaught of hair dryers, hot rollers, and similar hair-frying tools. As you sculpture your hair, you’ll see frizz and flyaway hair go by the wayside.

You can use coconut oil in your morning routine. However, it also may be reapplied, with a very delicate touch, throughout the day. The amount depends on the length and thickness of your hair.

Please note that thin-haired folks may have a much more difficult time with coconut oil as a styling agent because the hair may then look too wispy and wet.

5. Coconut Nice Against Lice

I remember my son visiting me once, declaring that there has been an outbreak of lice in his school. I immediately got out my coconut oil as a preventative measure. Of course, he stared incredulously as I applied it to his scalp but I wasn’t taking any chances.

Remember, coconut’s antimicrobial properties are perfect defense for any possible lice infestation. These creatures will not be able to survive and thrive in a coconut-infused head of hair … and either will their eggs.

Now it’s best to apply this ingredient for at least two hours to make sure the lice disappear. But a series of treatments will probably be necessary if lice has already reared its ugly head.

But just as important, a coconut oil hair treatment can serve as a lice preventative measure.

6. Color Me Coconut – By Golly, It’s a Hair Coloring Base

I have not yet tried to use coconut oil as a base for hair coloring. I really should. Unlike other oils, coconut deeply penetrates the hair shift. It can also do so very quickly. As a result, the resultant color becomes more intense and lasts longer.

It seems best to use this oil as a pre-dyeing treatment, leaving it in the hair for about 12-24 hours before coloring. However, I’ve read many success stories of folks who’ve added coconut oil as part of their repertoire of hair dyeing products.

7. Coconuts Have Hair – Now You Can Have More Hair, Too

Have you ever seen headlines like this about coconuts in hair: Coconuts – Cure for Baldness?”

While you can’t believe all the hype, there seems to be some truth that coconuts may exert some positive hair growth influence – at least anecdotally. To date, I have not seen any clinical studies demonstrating coconut’s ability to reduce hair loss and/or grow it back, but look online and you’ll find those who swear that coconut milk and coconut oil are hair-friendly.

There are several possible explanations as to why some folks may experience a hair-energizing effect from coconuts. As previously mentioned, coconuts have antibacterial and antiviral properties. By reducing any unwanted microorganisms, the hair may become less vulnerable to an early scalp departure.

In addition, coconut oil seems to prevent hair’s protein loss if used as a prewash. This seems logical as the oil is able to penetrate the hair shaft due to its chemical composition (e.g.,, it contains lauric acid) which in turn has a low molecular weight and an affinity for hair proteins. This may safeguard the hair.

In a similar way, prewashing with coconut oil seems to prevent or at least minimize hydral fatigue. Wait! Never heard of hydral fatigue? Constant water absorption and retention can contribute to the swelling of the hair cuticle. Coconut-coated hair before the shampoo and conditioning cycle can help safeguard against this kind of swelling and ‘porosity issue.’

Now don’t jump on the coconut-hair loss bandwagon just yet. The fact is that the powerful coconut does not address the purported main culprit of hair loss, DHT. Nevertheless, by improving the scalp environment, reducing pesky microbes, penetrating the hair shaft, and fighting protein loss and hydral fatigue, it makes sense to at least try coconuts on the hair.

Coconut Oil Hair Treatment – Hats Off to the Honorable Coconut

Who doesn’t want thick, flowing locks? At the very least, coconut oil penetrates the hair’s cortex, making it thicker, flexible, and stronger. It also enhances the scalp environment, battles all those possible hair-threating microbes, and reduces disadvantageous incessant hair cuticle swelling. While, the coconut is not a baldness panacea, it may alleviate hair loss and breakage.

But it can also be used to moisturize the hair, detangle it, style it, and make it look its best. (Hey Mom, no more dandruff and lice!) Coconut oil even protects against thermal hair damage, including damage from the sun.

For all these reasons, it seems logical to include coconuts in your hair product arsenal – especially because it’s so affordable. Coconut oil in hair deserves to be there … and there are worse nicknames than, ‘Coconut Head.’

It’s now time to six back, relax, and take advantage of this coconut oil hair treatment – one that you’ll go nuts over when you see your hair transform.