Retargeting Wiz Review
Resource created and marketed by:
Shawn Shellenbarger and Justin Wheeler
$19 (one site use)
$29 (multisite use)
$69 (unlimited site use, developer’s license)
This Retargeting Wiz review culminated from an observation I made a few months ago. I started to shop at an online vitamin store but could not finish the order as my attention was diverted to a personal issue that I had to attend to. I closed the window and rationalized that I would order at a more convenient time. When I logged backed in hours later, I strangely noticed an ad from that same Internet-based vitamin place, seemingly following me around cyberspace. Yes, although I did not know it at the time, I was on their retargeting list, and they may have been using a product similar to Retargeting Wiz to keep tabs on me.
What is Retargeting?
Retargeting is also known as remarketing and employs a cookie-based system. Through the use of a clever script, a company or marketer, such as yourself, can follow a prospective customer as he/she travels around the world wide web. You can think of this method as consistent, free advertising.
Of course, the prospective customer must have first visited one of your links. But after visiting your link, you’re then able to reestablish a connection with this targeted audience member.
What’s the advantage of playing this type of ‘follow the leader’ game. Your adverts are persistently attempting to drive the prospective customer back to a desired location (e.g., your direct offer or an affiliate offer).
Remember when you were a kid, calling to Mom and Dad, “Look at me, look at me.” This is what retargeting is doing. It’s calling attention to others so that they’ll notice what’s important to you. And it works, just like when you were a kid.
Retargeting Wizardry – The Power of Retargeting Advertising
Retargeting advertising is extremely effective. It’s estimated that only 2% of even motivated folks will purchase a given product when they’re first exposed to it. Through retargeting, you’re able to try to capture orders from the more resistant 98%.
Aside from increased sales through higher conversions, retargeting advertising is also perfect for brand optimization. People are seeing your brand several times and brand recognition starts to develop. So even if a sale is not made on a given day, perhaps a prospective client will be more at ease to purchase from you in the future as they’ve seen your brand before.
Retargeting is not a cure-all, however. You still have to drive folks to your retargeting link or website. You still have to create a compelling offer. But once you host a visitor, regardless of the duration of the visit, your connection to the visitor is not severed when he/she goes to a different destination. You get to come along for the ride.
Retargeting Wiz Review – How to Tag Along
As mentioned before, you’re placing inconspicuous code or a retargeting pixel on your site. I believe it’s a javascript code snippet, and it’s placed in the header before the
tag. When a person visits your link or site, an anonymous cookie is left in the browser.This cookie literally searches for a lost visitor across the web, even on social sites. Your ads will be served as the former visitor surfs the net.
Now you really don’t have to know the technical aspects behind retargeting advertising, retargeting pixels, retargeting mobile, or any other nuance of this ingenious method. Well, that is, if you have Retargeting Wiz in your possession.
What is Retargeting Wiz?
Retargeting Wiz is an all-encompassing WordPress plugin developed by Shawn Shellenbarger, and now introduced to the marketing community by Justin Wheeler. It enables you to create retargeting campaigns through that aforementioned cookie technology.
You simply upload the plugin via your WordPress dashboard and you’re ready to go. The fields are self-explanatory. You’ll create a name for the retargeting list, a destination (i.e., where you want the link to redirect to), the magic snippet of code to create those tagging cookies, and the length of time before the cookie loads. You can even track the number of times your retargeting link has been visited.
You can literally set up a retargeting campaign in minutes with the potential of dramatically expanding your bottom line over time.
Here are some of the features using this tool:
Plugin is simple to use and offers ease of navigation
Multiple cookie snippets can be used, end therefore, people can be added to multiple retargeting lists
You decide how to segment these visitors (i.e., which list each visitor should be on)
Retargeting Wiz Review – Final Word
I love the simplicity of the plugin yet admire its inherent power. It truly capitalizes on each click a link receives, optimizing the chance of a visitor’s purchase. It’s been proven that conversions increase when prospective customers are repeatedly exposed to an ad. And the great part is that you’re not paying for this type of exposure although the ad may appear on someone else’s site.
You’ll have a captive audience. You can share retargeted links on your site, on social media, and even in your email messages.
The cost of the plugin is very reasonable, too. You can use it on a single site for $19. If you wish to get the multisite license, you’ll only pay $29. Developers who need to use the Wiz for unlimited sites, including their clients’ sites, will spend $69.
By the way, you not only get this plugin, but a guide called Retargeting Domination. Here, Shawn Shellenbarger shares 10 unique ideas on how to maximize returns using this retargeting strategy.
No, this is not witchcraft nor sorcery. Retargeting Wiz is just brilliant software that takes advantage of behavioral retargeting / behavioral remarketing where consumers are targeted based on their previous interactions with a link or a site. Retargeting Wiz is compelling folks to keep your offer in mind which will eventually lead to additional sales and profit.
© 2014, Annie Lax, All Rights Reserved. Retargeting Wiz review written for:
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