The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers Review – Get Job Ready

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Yes, it can be a daunting and nerve-racking experience when you’re feeling judged. It may be disconcerting when your answers are just off target. You may feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety, desperate to be the ‘chosen one.’ Yes, these descriptions all pertain to the potentially imposing interview process where you’re looking to land that coveted job. But if you’re determined to perform your best or at least better than your competitors, author Bob Firestone wants to lend an outstretched hand of support. In his uber popular book, The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers, he asserts that his job interview secrets will transform a lackluster, unconfident interviewee to a master conversationalist. Are his claims valid? You’ll soon see in this Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers review.

Job Interview Basics

See the e-book that this Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers review is highlighting

I’ve personally read and reviewed Bob Firestone’s book, and I’m impressed with his attention to detail. Unlike many other books in this genre, he provides interview specifics – actual questions and appealing answers, how to recognize 40 behavioral competencies to better structure responses, and how to formulate your own questions that will dramatically enhance your chances of being touted for the job.

But The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers also outlines the basics. Here, the reader is guided to the principle that the interview is really all about filling the employer’s needs. It may simply revolve around this crucial point: Will this prospect make life easier for the powers that be? Your job in the interview is to demonstrate that you are the perfect candidate to complete the necessary tasks, and that your intention is to make other folks’ jobs easier.

Bob Firestone deftly outlines these basics: “If you really boil it down, all interview questions can be seen as just a variation of one of the following three fundamental questions they are trying to answer for themselves:

1. Can you do the job?
2. Will you reasonably like the job and stay motivated?
3. Will we like working with you?”

Now that you’re aware of the parameters of ultimate interview success, it’s much easier to get hired. Give them exactly what they want and you’ll separate yourself from the herd.

You must tailor your responses, satisfying all the above criteria, to give peace of mind to the interviewer. Moreover, you should also ask the right questions to reveal your interest in all facets of the job, and to connect with the questioner on an emotional level. If the interviewer is actually a department head, for instance, why not ask about their scope of responsibilities within the organization? Of course, you don’t want the interview to go too much off tangent, but people like to talk about themselves.

Here is another Bob Firestone interview basic: You want to show you fit perfectly into the company culture. Bob writes about his BRAVE principle – an acronym that stands for behave, relate, attitude, values, and environment. You’ll learn about these individual components, and use them to your advantage to become gainfully employed. This is why it really is crucial to perform some background investigative work on your own before the interview and learn about the personality of the organization.

Are You Behaviorally Competent?

You may think this is irrelevant to your interview, but all interviewers are looking for a candidate that will get the job done. In that sense, they may very well want you to reveal vignettes of past experience where you demonstrated certain competencies or skills and traits.

Think about these standard interview questions:

Question: What is your biggest weakness?
Behavioral Competency: Emotional intelligence and emotional maturity

Question: What problems did you solve in your last position?
Behavioral Competency: Analytical thinking and problem solving.

Question: How did you relate with your previous bosses and colleagues?
Behavioral Competency: Interpersonal skills

Question: How do you deal with stress?
Behavioral Competency: Resilience and stress management

Question: Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
Behavioral Competency: Vision

In the Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers, Bob lists all 40 behavioral competencies. You’ll immediately understand how properly revealing these skills or personal traits can win you the job.

Become a Compelling Story Teller – Think S.O.A.R.L.

Your demonstration of these competencies does not have to be showcased by long-winded examples. Short, structured answers can be extremely effective. And following Bob Firestone’s S.O.A.R.L. method, your answers are sure to please.

The acronym, S.O.A.R.L., stands for situation, objective, action, result, and learning. You’re going to be framing answers, incorporating these parts. Bob shows you exactly how to do this in the Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers. He provides sample questions and answers, and shows you how to best structure responses.

This systematic formula is very easy to apply, and once you read sample S.O.A.R.L. responses, you’ll also become adept at it. Of course, practice this technique with a friend before the actual interview.

Knowing the components you’ll provide in any answer should alleviate some of your tension. But remember, it’s not just what you say but how you say it. Your communication is friendly, confident, enthusiastic, and professional.

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know

Bob Firestone is the expert, not me. He is an author, sales trainer, and career coach, dispensing a heap of advice to the interested job seeker.

But I’ve read my share of interview books, and this one deserves the hot spot on your book shelf. It’s not just the details he provides, but the copious examples he generously shares.

Sit down on that reading chair and learn:

  • Interview do’s and don’ts
  • How to excel in all different types of interviews
  • How to emotionally connect with your interviewer
  • How to eliminate, or at least minimize, nerves
  • The particulars of the behavioral competencies, and strategies to prove you a fully competent being!
  • A boatload of interview questions and answers. (You’ll no longer be stumped on how to respond to, ‘Tell me about yourself.’)
  • Clever sample questions to ask the interviewer
  • How to uncover the interviewer’s hidden needs or agenda
  • Buzz words and phrases that will make a positive impact on the interviewer
  • … and so much more

I think the most invaluable section of the Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers will be the lessons gleaned from the give and take sample questions and answers. All these challenging questions are now going to be met with an ideal response. (Obviously, you’re not going to give the same specifics in your answers, but you’ll be privy to the framework and parameters in which to effectively respond.)

The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers Review – What’s not to Like?

Other Ultimate Guide to Job Interview reviews highlight the fact that the sales page contains a lot of hype. Perhaps Bob has revised it, after all the book is in its 7th edition, but I found the marketing material perfectly appropriate.

The headline may be one of the few aspects where one can wield criticism: “Word-for-Word Job Interview Answers to Use To Get Hired!” Perhaps it should read: “Word-for-Word Job Interview Answers to HELP Get You Hired!,” but perhaps that is splitting hairs.

The book itself is jam-packed with helpful information for any interviewee to land the job. Perhaps the only dull section was when Bob elaborated on the behavioral competencies but that seems a necessary evil.

Final Word

I originally read the e-book solely to write this review. However, upon a thorough reading, I’m now going to share it with my grandson who is soon likely to interview at a few select colleges. Indeed, the book is not only useful for a job applicant but for anyone who needs to gain entrance into particular programs.

The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers has already been successfully used by thousands of readers. Bob Firestone continues to fine-tune it to keep it up-to-date and relevant to today’s job market.

He is the real interview guru, and you should find his insight, tips, and tricks ultimately invaluable.

© 2015, Annie Lax, All Rights Reserved. The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers review written for:

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