The Path to a Millionaire’s Life Review – Road Less Traveled – David Smith

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David Smith has the floor and he is sharing a myriad of secrets in his book, The Path to a Millionaire’s Life. Although the title of the book suggests that it will be a ‘how to’ primer on accumulating money, just realize that the concept of ‘wealth’ takes many forms.

Indeed, wealth can suggest an ever-flowing abundance of money but it can also mean health, vitality, a sense of purpose, passion for work, life, and family, and a host of other dreams come true. The Path to a Millionaire’s Life is really about creating your best, most satisfied life – both from a business standpoint and a personal one.

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Of course, this is not a one-size fits all manual. Think of it: Each one of us has different wants and definitions of what we consider wealth and/or success. David Smith, like an expert life/business coach or insightful psychotherapist, suggests the questions that we need to ask ourselves to come up with our own answers about fulfilling our potential, and living a life of limitless possibilities.

Smith also underscores the importance of a ‘balanced life’ where people derive pleasure and enjoyment doing what they love in all realms of existence. Time allocation and management is crucial in creating a balance between professional and personal activities and the author provides valuable recommendations on how to make the most of the time we have.

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life – Start With the Secret of the Millionaire Mind

David Smith does not just provide a cookbook-like recipe on getting to Easy Street. He interweaves the notion of first thinking like a successful entrepreneur. Yes, people need to be systematic in their approach – planning, research, competition comparison – are all crucial building blocks of entrepreneurial success. But if faith in oneself and even faith in a divine, overabundant universe is absent, success may become jeopardized.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs need to embrace passion and love for their business venture. Without passion and zeal for their business, commitment and diligence may fall to the wayside. And if financial success materializes despite a negative psyche, will it really matter? If everything seems like drudge and a burden, your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being will be compromised.

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life suggests that the entrepreneur also feel deserved of impending success. Here, the Law of Attraction applies (like goes to like). In other words, when we have faith in a positive outcome, when we’re driven and committed to reaching our goals and intensions, and believe that we are children of the universe, deserved of its benefits and blessings, good things more readily come our way. In contrast, lack of faith in ourselves, impedes our progress and may even stifle our inspired action.

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life – Content

I’ve read many books on entrepreneurial success and many personal self-help books. This is one of the few that infuses the ideas presented in both genres. The book could have been alternatively entitled, How to Succeed in Business and in Life.

It’s a 7 volume compilation of creating your own professional and personal destiny. I’ll briefly provide some highlights on each volume/report/chapter:

Volume 1: “How to Create Rock Solid Wealth Online to Last” – Here, David Smith introduces the concepts of ‘vision statement” and ‘mission statement which helps the reader to better shape his/her entrepreneurial venture or entity. The entrepreneur must conceptualize the actual products and/or services offered, the purpose of the business, what functions it will fulfill, and the objectives it will meet.

The successful entrepreneur must create a personalized unique roadmap, take inspired action, and begin to establish trust and loyalty with the customer base. As there are so many tasks to complete, the capable entrepreneur must know when to outsource and measure productivity and profitability through testing.

Smith does not only tell the reader what needs to be done but suggestions on how to accomplish business necessities.

Volume 2: “Secrets of Effective Time Management” – I should have read these chapters years ago. It would have saved me a lot of time. 🙂

Here, Smith highlights the importance of using time wisely and productively. He provides a formula of what our time is worth so that the reader may more readily deduce whether any given activity should be pursued, outsourced, or not done at all.

It’s vital to create a schedule that works for us and maximizes profitability. Smith suggests several insightful ways of getting rid of time wasting tasks to create schedules that we can follow and that we’ll want to follow.

It’s also time for the reader to perform self-examination, realizing his/her ways of doing things may be interfering with effective time management. For example, a sense of perfectionism and overwhelming stress can serve to immobilize us where we’re unable to even take action.

The reader is privy to time management tools that will shave off unnecessary expenditures of time. Smith then asks the reader to envision what he/she will do with that time. (So few of us even think of what success actually looks like and what we’re going to do with our time once we reach our milestones.)

Volume 3: “Finding and Maintaining Optimal Health for Lifelong Success” – I remember a friend telling me the story of her friend who is a millionaire facing life-threatening circumstances. This millionaire told her that he would give all his millions away if that would get rid of his cancer.

So many of us take our health for granted – not just our physical health but our emotional well-being, too. Smith does not want us to forget the link between health and happiness and this volume is provided for that purpose. Moreover, he wants to ensure that his readers enjoy optimal health so he provides information pertaining to stress reduction, sleep, fitness, and diet – and everything in between, including harmoniously balancing all aspects of our life.

This volume is a somber reminder that if we don’t take care of our health, we cannot possibly take care of our business.

Volume 4: “The Path to a Million Moneybags – The Secret to Lasting Abundance”

Sometimes the best way to see our set of circumstances clearly and actually get what we want, is to be outer-directed. When we’re so myopic and only dwell on every minutia of our own life, we’re not tapping into the power of giving, and the synergistic flow of abundance back to us.

In this volume of the Path of a Millionaire’s Life, David Smith reminds us of our connection to others. Specifically, he speaks about the endless possibilities of making the proverbial difference in the world: volunteering, donating, and mentoring are discussed. We can have a ripple effect on the world at large and be the change that we seek. And when you start to help others, you’re ultimately helping yourself.

Volume 5: “How to Find the Most Profitable Information to Build Your Business”

This path of a millionaire’s life is evident: using strategies and tools to build business that will ultimately create wealth. Volume 5 may be the most popular among those who just want to consider the underpinnings of business success.

Here, Smith provides details of how to conduct market and trend research, and spy on your competition. It’s difficult to elevate yourself in any market without doing the prep work. How will you create or effectively use a roadmap if you don’t see obstacles in your way?

Smith recommends specific tools to conduct this vital research and take a pulse of trends and competitors. There are only ‘white hat’ strategies provided here, including what to write about. Figuring out what compelling content to write about is easy once you use Smith’s suggestions.

Volume 6: “Personal and Professional Development”

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life also includes discussion of growing not just your business but you. For example, Smith reminds us about the importance of keeping up with the latest techniques and strategies in our given niche and field, offering advice on ways to do this.

A successful entrepreneur is again passionate about his/her business, surrounded by people who either share his/her vision or is supportive of it. Abundance flows when an entrepreneur manifests purposeful dedication and diligence, and feels worthy of success.

An entrepreneur cannot afford to wrestle with any emotional blocks as well. Smith writes about this at length, and lets his audience know that it is time to question attitudes about any negative mindset – including how we view money or the outside world and its ‘Collective consciousness,” for that matter.

In additional, an entrepreneur going in the right direction must perform a ‘SWOT assessment.” You’ll learn what this is by reading the Path to a Millionaire’s Life.

Volume 7: “Tapping Into the Powerful Connection Between Faith and Success.”

Isn’t it so much harder to complete a task when we don’t think we can accomplish it? Isn’t is tough to live life when we lack faith in ourselves and/or in a divine, higher power?

David Smith, in the Path to a Millionaire’s Life, wants his readers to connect to their own spirituality – not only to improve their lives, but their businesses.

Smith wants us to remove any doubts about our abilities. Indeed, we must trust our instincts and intuition. If your mantra is, “I don’t know what I’m doing” you’re creating a very unfavorable self-fulfilling prophecy. Now compare that to, “My path is clear – I see it.” This statement is self-motivating, leading to inspired action.

In this volume, Smith reveals how intentions are even more powerful that goals, and combined with purpose, passion and faith, lead the way to unbridled success. You’ll stay focused, take action, and expect a favorable outcome.

If you don’t have faith, don’t worry, Smith will help you acquire it. Faith need not only arise from religious worship. It can manifest itself through visualization, prayer, meditation, gratitude, and other means.

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life Pros

Provides so many paths to creating online wealth but also personal wealth – regardless of how you define it.

It’s an individualized program. The underlying concepts may be general but David Smith, through active questioning, helps you to tailor the program to meet your unique needs and wants.

It’s not just a program to help the reader examine business but his/her personal life. The two are not mutually exclusive.

A provocative assessment is offered at the end of each volume, helping the reader to think through the concepts introduced.

It is extremely well-written, free of technical jargon. The supporting chapters of each volume are simple to follow.

At $7, the Path to a Millionaire’s life is a bargain. Bonuses are even provided, free memberships to learn more about copywriting and affiliate marketing.

There is a 60-day money-back guarantee although with the amount of info provided and the low price, the amount of returns should be negligible.

The Downside to the Path to a Millionaire’s Life

I wish there was more material on specific business building and how to construct a successful business for a new or struggling affiliate. He does provide solid info on this topic, but perhaps a case study, for example, would prove helpful.

Some concepts repeat throughout the book but many readers may need idea reinforcement.

The Path to a Millionaire’s Life Verdict

This is a no-brainer purchase. You would be hard-pressed to find such insight on matters pertaining to business and to life in one resource.

David Smith is not only a successful entrepreneur but someone who has made it through planning, research, passion, goal-setting intentions, and faith in himself and the world at large. He is an excellent role model to follow.

Why not walk along side him on this path and shape your destiny to one that includes universal abundance and wealth.

Full disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the Path to a Millionaire’s Life. Sometimes, the best things in life are free! But even $7 is not a steep price to pay to uncover a roadmap to wealth. As an added benefit, David Smith is only an email away if you deviate from the Path to a Millionaire’s Life.

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