Blogging Cash Blueprint Review – There’s Money in That Blog

Blogging Cash Blueprint bonus available

A blog is an asset, a property of worth and value if you cultivate it the right way. Now your blog may be an underdeveloped asset, but there’s underlying potential. In this Blogging Cash Blueprint review, I’ll examine a resource that is meant to serve as a definitive guide to germinate that blog so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor: ready-made cash. Successful affiliate marketer, Adrian Harper, shares his blog-growing secrets in his book, Blogging Cash Blueprint.

His instruction provides insight on how to develop a blog that will achieve high ranking, promote your business, and get hordes of traffic to an offer. Conversions will follow, and the forthcoming sales will catapult you high above the blogosphere.

But Adrian Harper starts at square one, assuming that the reader has no prior knowledge using a blogging platform, incorporating affiliate marketing strategies. This is why Blogging Cash Blueprint is perfect for a blogger-wannabe newbie who is just starting out.

By using Adrian’s step-by-step guide, the reader can easily set up a blog and then monetize it. But blogging success does not happen overnight. There is work entailed but it’s easier to execute when you know the actionable steps to take.

Blogging Cash Blueprint Review – An Inside Look

See Adrian's Harper's Blogging Cash Blueprint and discover treasure hiding within your blog

You can tell that Adrian Harper is a blogging enthusiast and his excitement is contagious. He writes about the benefits of blogging – both personal and professional. Remember, as you mine for gold, you’re also, hopefully, writing about your passion, sharing your perspective, and interacting with your audience.

You’re establishing credibility and expertise, too, as you impart kernels of wisdom. With each blog entry, you’re directly or indirectly promoting your brand and business. Some entries can be general information topics while others may be about your product or service, or about an affiliate offer. You’re molding the blog as you see fit, as you have a firm reading on the pulse of your audience.

Adrian would be the first person to remind you to always keep your reader in mind, addressing topics that would interest them, and satisfying their collective need to become more knowledgeable on the niche you highlight.

But first things first: You need to know how to set up a blog. Obviously, this section of the resource can be skipped for those who already know how to launch a blog. But if you don’t know the difference between a hosted blog vs. a self-hosted blog, then you’ll appreciate the info Adrian dispenses.

Adrian provides the details why a self-hosted blog is much more advantageous to use that a free hosted blog that is available on platforms, such as WordPress or Blogger. For example, you’re typically able to achieve better search engine ranking with your own hosted website, and don’t have the same type of restrictions on how to monetize content.

But as Blogging Cash BLueprint is geared for the novice blogger, Adrian generously provides important key facts on several popular, free blogging platforms.

The reader is now ready to decide on a host. Adrian then discusses how to choose a domain which will reside on that host. Those who don’t have the know-how will soon know how to upload that domain to the host, use powerful plugins, choose a theme, embed media, tinker with the settings, and customize the blog. Monetization awaits.

And in this area, Blogging Cash Blueprint reviews the primary ways to reap blog riches: Google AdSense, affiliate offers (digital or physical), and even developing your own product which is not as difficult as it seems.

By the way, product creation will now even be easier because Adrian Harper gives you several plugin and template options for an impending sales page. For instance, one can utilize as the designs are rather captivating and appealing.

To ensure conversions, Adrian then offers some quick, effective tips on copywriting. You can use these strategies throughout the blog, not just on a sales page.

Cashing in on Affiliate Marketing

As the guide is perfectly suited for a new marketer, the blueprint is not just about making money by creating your own product. Let’s face it, those who are novices need to get their feet wet first by serving as affiliate marketers.

Author Adrian Harper writes, “There are at least three important things you should do when you’re doing affiliate marketing …”

  • Build your credibility
  • Attract potential customers
  • Promote products and services

By reading and reviewing Blogging Cash blueprint (yes, I actually own the resource), I see that Adrian apportions time and energy in addressing these essential affiliate marketing building blocks. For example, through insightful prose, not just on your blog but on others’ blogs or forums, you’ll elevate your credibility. And as your trust factor increases and your personal brand becomes synonymous with quality, you’ll learn how to develop an ever-expanding social network and get those important social signals to rank higher.

In this Blogging Cash Blueprint review, I would be remiss if I did mention that you’ll also learn about two types of blogging sites that can be financially advantageous: review sites and membership sites. You’ll also acquire a knowledge base on content management systems that are especially helpful in developing a thriving members-only area.

Lead generation is another topic raised – one that is impossible to ignore if optimal blogging cash is to be realized. You’ll eventually need to know the inner workings of a squeeze page and autoresponder.

Another piece of the cash-building puzzle, traffic generation, is also discussed. You’ll be reminded of the tried and true traffic-generating strategies such as link building, social networking, and article and forum marketing. But still content is king, and it is the written word that will ultimately galvanize attention. Certain plugins can serve as an adjunct to spread the word and it’s clear that Adrian is a plug-in specialist.

As an added bonus, author Adrian Harper shares lesser known strategies to improve blog ranking and traffic numbers. For example, piggy-backing off the Google Keyword planner (to find desirable keyword phrases), you’ll learn the value of LSI words.

Final Word on Blogging Cash Blueprint

I’m sure that other Blogging Cash Blueprint reviews will be favorable as the information is well-organized, well-written, and covers how to properly set up and grow a blog. You can grow a money tree on a popular blog, and this resource will teach you how to plant the seeds.

The blueprint is straight-forward and easy to navigate. However, if there is any confusion, Adrian Harper clarifies all with his accompanying checklist, process mind map, and worksheet (i.e., a condensed chapter-by-chapter review). You’ll know the blog-building steps and the sequence of steps to take after reviewing these three documents.

Blogging is not another bright shiny object. It is truly a legitimate strategy where you can make bank on content. And this guide can help lead the way to a successful and profitable blog.

But while my Blogging Cash Blueprint review is favorable, the resource is more suited for the novice or inexperienced affiliate marketer. Intermediate or expert affiliates may already have implemented many of the strategies outlined.

Still, for the modest price, Blogging Cash Blueprint offers value and money-making potential.

© 2015, Annie Lax, All Rights Reserved. Blogging Cash Blueprint review written for:

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