I think the name, WP Optin Boxes, is rather understated. After all, can affiliate marketers really get excited about another tool that just creates opt-ins for prospective customers? But here, the name of this newly-released product describes its purpose and not its benefits. But its the simplicity of the name, and its low-key method of marketing that has propelled me to investigate. Fortunate to receive a demo copy of this software, I’m now in the ideal position of evaluating its merits and writing a comprehensive review so you’ll know if this tool reflects out-of-the-box thinking.
Opt-in Boxes + Autoresponder = Leads
Affiliate marketing 101 preaches the importance of list building. Indeed, a responsive list may be the catalyst in finally earning the affiliate-related income that you desire. Somehow, you have to start collecting names and addresses of prospective customers.
However, the problem with autoresponders is that their core competency is to provide snippets of code to collect visitors’ contact information. The forms are either unattractive or uninspiring, or they just don’t pop – literally.
In my particular scenario, I have GetResponse and I’m not enamored with the typical form templates. Moreover, as far as I know, I can’t get these forms to pop up under various conditions (e.g., on the visitors’ exit, when the visitor has scrolled down a particular percentage of the page, or after a particular amount of time has elapsed).
Now with WP Optin Boxes I can create visually appealing forms that should galvanize visitors’ attention. In addition, I can determine the size of the call to action form or pop up, its design appearance, where it will appear (i.e., on pages, posts, or perhaps in a category of posts), and when it will appear.
You can’t underestimate the value and profit potential of these call-to-action and pop-up forms. When you have them appear in a strategic place, highlighting your offer in a tasteful, professional way, your opt-in rates will increase and so will your commission over time.
WP Optin Boxes Review – What About Opt-in Plugin and Page Builder Competitors?
While I am very pleased with the look of the forms (appearance is everything, even online), this is not a unique selling point. I’ve seen attractive forms produced by other tools, too.
But the main advantage of WP Optin Boxes is its incredibly low price. At launch, its price will be an incredibly low $14 for single site use ($14.93 for unlimited sites) – and that’s a one-time fee, and not a monthly fee! Compare that with competing opt-in form and page builders with their steep monthly costs, and you’ll get to keep a fatter wallet.
It’s also important to note that there are a lot of customization options available with these boxes. You get to determine the forms’ size, color, text font, and so much more. Some competitors don’t have any customization options, or you can only perform a little tinkering here and there.
And like the big boys, WP Optin Boxes provides a series of templates. You may very well be pleased with the original templates and decide that it’s not worth the time and effort to experiment with design options.
However, on select offers, it may prove invaluable to change design features or even templates. Why? You can engage in invaluable A/B split testing. (It’s super easy to perform split testing – the demo shows you how to do this in a minute.) Split testing is not universally offered when it comes to lead generation products.
Another way that WP Optin Boxes differentiates itself is through its conversion and reporting capabilities. (You need the PRO version.) Moreover, there is even a 2-step opt-in process and lightbox option which should dramatically increase your call to action efforts.
WP Optin Review – It’s Raining Boxes
There are 8 types of boxes that this all-encompassing plugin can create, listed as follows:
- Standard Email Optin Boxes
- Video Email Optin Boxes
- Call- to-Action Boxes
- Video Call-to-Action Boxes
- 2-Step Optin Links
- Pop-ups (Exit, Scroll-Triggered, and Time-Triggered)
While you can use google analytics to track your conversions, WP Optin Boxes has a built-in conversion tracker so that you’ll know how many folks have seen a given box and taken action.
Do you want these boxes to really stand out? The developers of the plugin used a lot of ingenuity to grab your visitors’ attention.
You can make the box ‘sticky,’ so the form sticks on top even after the viewer scrolls down. Talk about calling out, “Look at me, look at me.”
Similarly, the form will get more widely noticed with a lightbox effect – time-dependent fade in and fade out options.
How about sliding the form? Yes, you can have that capability as well as the box slides in from the side, up, or down. Its visibility is virtually guaranteed.
And again, you’ll be able to split test the boxes and figure out what works best. Detailed daily or monthly reports are even accessible through the plugin’s interface or via email. You’ll then be able to review and dissect the following statistics: Unique visitors, box impressions, box views, conversions, and conversion rate.
What’s the Chatterbox? – Final Determination
If you have any intention of purchasing or using an autoresponder, this is an invaluable tool. (These optin boxes are compatible with just about every major autoresponder on the market, including GetResponse and aWeber.) The generated forms, especially the call-to-action forms, will now look so much better. You can use the stylish templates as is, or customize them to your heart’s content.
You’ll feel in control as the software is easy-to-use and apply. You’ll decide where to place these forms (you can place them just about anywhere on the page or post), and through your split testing and conversion statistics, you’ll know what’s working and what has to be revamped.
While it will be more expensive to obtain those attention-grabbers (i.e., the lightbox effect, the sticky, or slide in options), the increased conversion rates should justify the expense. Moreover, if you purchase any OTOs through my link, I will not only provide the same type of PLR products that everyone else does (they’re not worth thousands!), but I’ll even write an article of 750+ words (the topic will be choice) to support your affiliate marketing efforts.
In essence, this software will support your marketing efforts as well. The training and demos are excellent and I don’t anticipate that you’ll have too many questions once you view them. However, if any questions arise, you can avail yourself to their technical support. I’m anticipating that such support will be very responsive. Mark Bishop is affiliated with this product and he has an exemplary reputation.
The one-time price is a major selling point! Competing products go for much higher and the fees are typically recurring.
While this WP Optin Boxes review has been overwhelming positive, I do have a minor criticism: I wish there were more templates. (I’m greedy as they already offer 60+ templates and you can import your own forms into the system.) This would allow more call-to-action variations, and even a greater likelihood that one will catch the eye of a large segment of the audience.
Still, the benefits and advantages of this plugin are numerous – particularly impressive with its low price point. WP Optin Boxes may be renamed, “The Call to Action Lead Generator.”
© All Rights Reserved. WP Optin Boxes review written for: ProminentOffers.com

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